Easter is approaching !!!

        "Easter is one of Christianity's most important holidays. Easter - celebration of life - marking the resurrection miracle, and acts of purification of Bright Week remind Christians balance and harmony."
        Easter is one of the most important holidays in Christianity. Easter - the celebration of life - marking the resurrection miracle, and acts of purification of Bright Week remind Christians balance and harmony. Christian holidays is the subject of this vivid memory of passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 
        Easter, the celebration of light and joy, and so far has kept the charm and significance, as a moment of peace of mind and close family . Charm is particularly so given the significance of religion and traditions and symbols of Easter: egg painting, rabbit, pasta dinner with traditional foods - cake, bread, lamb, and taking his job Saturday night light.
        Holy Week is the last week before the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Begins on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday to you on Sunday that resurrected Christ. Palm Sunday is the day when Jesus entered Jerusalem.
       In Week and Christians relive the Passion posted Savior from His betrayal by Judas, to crucifixion the cross on Golgotha hill, then signed with death on the cross and resurrection. After long after Easter, Christians go to church to confess.


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